Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ladies who brunch...

{tiffany, moi, claire, katie}

i just love these ladies.
a few weekends ago, katie introduced us to a new brunch place called "saving grace". in a word: life-changing.
the place was small and vintage. the food was delicious and inventive.
such a fun outing with my girlies.

my delicious hot apple cider

claire-bear's gingerbread latte


  1. I wish WE could brunch. sigh.
    Mel is on a cruise without us. sad. Remember ours last year? Good times.
    miss and love you!

  2. anna! i wish we could brunch too! you're just gonna have to come brunching with me:
    a. on the disney cruise line this year (with smelly AND your man friend)
    b. when i'm living in ny after dcl.
    got it? done and done.
    miss you! and miss our crazy cruising times. they shall NEVER be forgotten.
